Poly Snow Blade Information

Poly Snow Blade Information

rollercoasterPolyurethane has become so popular that it is now used for cars, rollercoasters, and snow blades!
What is Polyurethane?

Polyurethane is a modern and safe plastic material that can be custom-made to be rigid or flexible. Since its discovery in 1937, polyurethane has grown exponentially in popularity. By 1954, flexible polyurethane foam was being mass produced for the general public, and within 6 years, more than 45,000 metric tons were being produced each year! Polyurethane has become so popular that it has been used in the construction of cars, roller coasters, and many other high performance machines. Today, it has proven to be extremely efficient as a snow plow blade and has taken the industry by storm.

Benefits of a Poly Snow Blade

For those that are looking to plow snow, there are really only two styles of blade to choose from: poly and steel. As time goes by, more and more people are realizing that polyurethane blades are a better alternative. In fact, many businesses will not hire snowplow contractors unless they are equipped with polyurethane blades. Oftentimes, they require this because steel blades can have damaging effects on driveway sealants and can damage landscaping.

Polyurethane snow blades are also the preferred choice for a variety of other reasons:

  • Polyurethane is quieter than steel. The problem with steel is that it scrapes and wreaks a lot of havoc on the ears. On the other hand, the plastic that makes up a polyurethane snow blade smoothly glides over the surface. This is particularly important because snowplowing is often done in the early morning and the evening time when people are resting. The smoother ride that comes from a polyurethane blade will become apparent when you are sitting in your truck’s cabin and it isn’t vibrating violently like it often does with steel blades.
  • Polyurethane works well with fresh snow and slush. One of the alluring aspects of the polyurethane blades is that it can work as a giant squeegee. This squeegee effect happens because the polyurethane’s natural properties allow it to mold to the ground and collect all of the fresh snow and sludge, which is not possible with steel blades.
  • Polyurethane can protect your equipment. As we all know, there can be hidden impediments below the surface of the snow. Luckily, the durable and flexible structure of polyurethane snow blades will glide over these obstacles much smoother than a steel blade, which will ultimately help to protect you and your equipment.

It’s no wonder why polyurethane has grown in popularity so rapidly over the 20th and 21st centuries. It’s durable and flexible construction offers protection and satisfaction to customers. With the many challenges that come with snowplowing, it’s important that you give yourself the proper equipment. For businesses and everyday use, polyurethane blades are the sure choice. If you have any questions about snowplowing or polyurethane products, feel free to contacts us at 4wheelonline anytime.

By: Tim Snyder
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